- Log in with user & password: pi / raspberry. Become super user:
sudo -i
- Update the installed packages (including raspy-config) by typing
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
- Edit file
, and add the following lines:framebuffer_depth=32
- Install some more needed packages by typing
apt-get install python-picamera python-pygame python-pip \
python-imaging xorg cups cups-bsd git
Optional: install more standard tools: apt-get install htop iotop vnstat vim-nox
- Change hostname to photobooth:
echo photobooth > /etc/hostname
- Add a new local user
adduser photobooth
, make up a safe password.
- Grant camera access for the newly created user:
usermod -a -G video photobooth
- Install the printer (I can't tell you how right now, because this is a mess)
- Start
Choose Expand Filesystem
, then select Enable camera
and hit Enter
. Go to Finish
and choose to reboot.